Thursday, May 16, 2013


Linking up again with Make it Wear it Thursday over at The Train to Crazy!

I am a fan for bows!  On shoes, in the girls hair, on brown paper packages, and even on their clothes!
During KCW  I whipped up a knit boat neck tank for Carleigh.  I only had enough of this knit from GirlCharlee for one, and felt like my redhead needed a new top! 

She is a keep it simple kind of kid (total opposite of her older sister)  so I knew it needed to be easy for her to get on and off, but wanted a little wow factor in the back.  How do you add wow? Just stick a BOW on it!

The top is fully lined so the neck and arm openings would look clean, yes I know knit does not fray, but I have not been brave enough to leave a shirt unfinished!  After I made the top I noticed it was a tad to short, so I added a band at the  bottom about an inch less in width than the top to kinda "squinch" it's a word, trust me, I think....

Anyhoo.  To make the bow, I just made a large tube shape and then made a small loop and slipped it on and stitched it to the back of the bow to keep things tidy.  I then used my button stitch to "tack" the bow in place.

I tried so hard to match the stripes, dang knit sure moves around when sewing!  I can just here the song in my head taunting me "SO close, yet so far away..." dang it...

I kinda really like this shirt and have a humungo order coming from GirlCharlee for some Tumbletees ( awesome pattern) by Rachael at Imagine Gnats.  I have made three but plan to make more, and two more of these sweet little bow tanks.

And by this time, the redhead was finished.  "Momma, can you put the camera up?  I want to play!"

Stay Tuned next week for a tutorial on this top, and the awesome tumbleetee pattern I am testing!